make the art you love.

Hi Diane, My husband and I love the painting that we bought at your booth at Art in the Pearl. We came home and immediately found a prominent spot for it in our breakfast nook where we can see it every day! It was so wonderful to meet you in person and to be able to tell you how much I have enjoyed your online classes via Carla's website. I'm thrilled to now own a signed copy of your book, as well (thank you for that gift!).
I hope the rest of the weekend at the art fair was good for you - when we saw you on Saturday morning, your paintings were getting so much joyful attention from people.
Thank you for sharing your art with the world - it's uplifting!
Joan, an appreciative student and now a happy collector of your art!

Dig into your creative life to find a style that is authentically yours.​

If You Can Doodle, Your Can Paint looks at the small, impromtu doodles we make on a daily basis as resources; treasures from which we can create full-sized paintings. Even if you don't consider yourself a doodler, the exercises and techniques in this book will give you a fun way to tap into your personal style.The invitation starts with a pencil as you work through doodle assignments. Eventually, you will learn how to size up and combine these doodles into larger compositions. Then, you will begin mixing it up with watercolor paints and, finally, with acrylic paints.
Grab some pens and paints and get creative!

Now available in German!
Buy it on Amazon!

online classes

In this video, Diane demonstrates an acrylic painting project using both the positive and negative spaces.
Have fun!

committed to the JOY of MAKING . . . starting young . . .

Summer Art School for Kids
Kelsey Creek Farm - City of Bellevue Parks & Rec.
Ages 6 - 11
Fine arts on the farm, inspired by the Kelsey Creek Farm environment. Your elementary-age child will celebrate their individual creative expressions through exploration of multiple-medias. Paint with colorful acrylics, sketch on the farm, develop watercolor style with color theory exploration, sculpting with molding clay, create collages, and use oil pastels too. Dress for creative mess and bring your playful imagination.
Instructor Diane Culhane is a renowned artist in the Pacific Northwest with a master’s degree in Art Education and extensive teaching experience. Her work is represented in galleries and shows across the country.

$20 supply fee due the first day of camp.

Ages: 6 to 11
Camp Fees:  $490/resident and $588/non-resident
Hours/Dates:  M-F; 9:30am to 3pm

Extended Care Package Available
Extended Care Registration is separate.
$109/resident, $136/non-resident
Hours: 7:30am - 5:30pm
2024 Dates:
June 23-27
June 30 - July 3
July 7-11
July 14-18
August 4-8
Registration starts March 31st for Bellevue residence
April 7th for non-residence